Emin Bugra Saral
Simplicity within a certain complexity.
resume summary
Bachelors in Computer Science. (2008-2013)
Koc University, Istanbul.
Work Experience
Professional engineering services in the areas of management (guidance), culture cultivation and visionary solutions.
Educative, innovative, international, inclusive, community friendly, healthy and fair solutions for everyone.
Consultancy Solutions
Team Leader, Guide.
Project / Product Manager.
Product Developer & Tester.
Culture Cultivator.
Chief Spirit Officer.
Personality Traits
Authenticity, curiosity, adventurous bravery, openmind, directness, deep empathy with all surroundings (+ multi-dimensional inspiration source), creative problem solving, vision, being spontaneous, fast-learning in all areas.
Interests & Talents
Social sciences, engineering, spirituality, creative writings (poem, article, essay, story, theory), electronic music, freestyle dancing, humor, creative cooking, team sports, painting, movies, activism, detailed impersonation (any known or unknown person in history), nature synchronization...
Social Causes
Equality for all:
Honest & fair politics in all areas.
Places Lived In
Trabzon (Türkiye).
Istanbul (Türkiye).
Bordeaux (France).
San Jose (USA).
Munich (Germany).
Right Now: Trabzon (Türkiye).
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projects (3)
coming soon (3)
GitHub source
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